Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Four-cylinder diesel engines are widely used for various types of equipment and machinery: tractors, excavators, lifts, loaders, powerful diesel generators.

Model: D-241, D-242, D-242 56ДЭ, D-242 56M, D-242 56Н, D-242 56Э, D-242 71М, D-242 71Т, D-242 72K, D-242 72M, D-242 72Э, D-242 426, D-242 435, D-242 517Э, D-242 742, D-242 543М, D-242 549МЭ, D-242 552, D-242 600M, D-242 707, D-242 794Б, D-242 819, D-242 1066, D-242 1285, D-242 1291, D-242 1319, D-242 1340Т, D-242 1341Э, D-242 1343, D-242 1360, D-242 1401, D-242 1626, D-242Л101, D-242С, D-242С-298Э, D-242С-382Э, D-242С-883Э, D-242С-939Э, D-242С-954, D-242С953, D-242С1245, D-242S2, D-243, D-243.1, D-243.2 C-366, D-243.2 C-727, D-243.1-164Т, D-243.1-739Т, D-243-20, D-243-20M, D-243-91, D-243-81, D-243-84Э, D-243-85Э, D-243-91К, D-243-91, D-243-91W, D-243-92МЭ, D-243-139, D-243-202, D-243-250МЭ, D-243-286, D-243-289, D-243-429Э, D-243-342Э, D-243-349А, D-243-436К, D-243-449, D-243-449А, D-243-450, D-243-481, D-243-486, D-243-568Э, D-243-514В, D-243-570М, D-243-651, D-243-704М, D-243-714, D-243-712, D-243-726А, D-243-746, D-243-798, D-243-802, D-243-859Ф, D-243-860, D-243-869, D-243-876, D-243-878, D-243-887, D-243-887К, D-243-899, D-243-908, D-243-891, D-243-908К, D-243-1063, D-243-1053, D-243-1065, D-243-1235Э, D-243-1244, D-243-1266, D-243-1267, D-243-1269, D-243-1270, D-243-1345Т, D-243-1346Т, D-243-1281, D-243-1281М, D-243-1320, D-243-1330, D-243-1347Т, D-243-1348, D-243-1351, D-243-1374, D-243-1376, D-243-1377, D-243-1390, D-243-1403, D-243-1433, D-243-1440, D-243-1442, D-243-1444, D-243-1447, D-243-1509, D-243-1509, D-243-1512, D-243-1559, D-243-1598, D-243-1599, D-243Л-94, D-243С, D-243С-299Э, D-243С-381Э, D-243С-377Э, D-243С-644Э, D-243С-863, D-243С-866, D-243С-940Э, D-243С-962Э, D-243С-962К, D-243С-981, D-243С-965, D-243S2, D-244, D-244-792Т, D-244С, D-244S2, D-244-1338Т, D-244-1339Т, D-245, D-245 06, D-245 06Д, D-245 06ДМ, D-245 06M, D-245.2, D-245.2S2, D-245.2S2 1154, D-245.2S2 1162, D-245.2S2 1929Э, D-245.2S2 1583Э, D-245.2S2 1726Э, D-245.2S2 1901Э, D-245.2S2 1909Э, D-245.2S2 1922Э, D-245.2S2 1942Э, D-245.2S2 1943Э, D-245.2S2 1956Э, D-245.2S2 2001, D-245.2S2 2279, D-245.2S2 2533, D-245.2Ѕ3А, D-245.2Ѕ3АМ, D-245.2S3B, D-245.2S2 2412А, D-245.2S2 2442, D-245.2S2 2514, D-245.2Ѕ3А-1895Э, D-245.2Ѕ3А-2257, D-245.2Ѕ3А-2497, D-245.2Ѕ3АМ, D-245.2Ѕ3АМ-2353, D-245.2Ѕ3АМ-2443, D-245.2Ѕ3АМ-2444, D-245.2Ѕ3АМ-2446Э, D-245.2 SAM-1896Э, D-245.2S3B, D-245.2S4, D-245.5, D-245.5 31M, D-31E 245.5, D-245.5 86, D-1220 245.5, D-245.5 1247Э, D 167Э 245.5, D-245.5 488, D 1257Э 245.5, D 2014Э 245.5, D-245.5 1944, D-2020 245.5, D-245.5 2022, D-2274 245.5, D-245.5 2291, D-2295 245.5, D-245.5 2296, D-2298 245.5, D-245.5 2325, D-245.5 2420, D-245.5 2496, D-2624 245.5, D-245.5 3502, D-3503 245.5, D-245.5 3504, D-3508 245.5, D-245.5 S, D-1648Э WITH 245.5, D-245.5 WITH 2070Э, D-1646Э WITH 245.5, D-245.5 WITH 1654Э, D-2073Э WITH 245.5, D-245.5 S2 1387, D-245.5 S2 1701Э, D-245.5 S2 1705Э, D-245.5 S2 1934Э, D-245.5 S2 2160Э, D-245.5 S2 2304, D-245.5 S2 2513, D-245.5 S2 3530, D-245.5 S2 3531, D-245.5 S2 2630, D-245.5С3А-1856Э, D-245.5С3А-2367, D-245.5С3АМ-1868Э, D-245.5С3АМ-2342, D-245.5С3АМ-2344, D-245.5С3АМ-2364, D-245.5С3АМ-2366, D-Ѕ3А 245.5, D-245.5 Ѕ3АМ, D-Ѕ3А 1854Э 245.5, D-245.5 Ѕ3АМ 1868Э, D-Ѕ3В 245.5, D-245.5 S4, D-245.7, D-245.7 363, D-245.7 363В, D-245.7 628, D-245.7 658, D-245.7 1812, D-245.7 1841, D-245.7 2695, D-245.7 2714, D-245.7 2750, D-245.7 E2, D-245.7 E2 398В, D-245.7 E2 840В, D-245.7 E2 840М, D-245.7 E2 841В, D-245.7 E2 841М, D-245.7 E2 842В, D-245.7 E2 842М, D-245.7 E2 843В, D-245.7 E2 843М, D-245.7 E2 1088, D-245.7 E2 1160, D-245.7 E2 2715, D-245.7 E2 1518, D-245.7 E2 1807, D-245.7 E2 2689, D-245.7 E2 2728, D-245.7 E2 2738, D-245.7 E2 2797, D-245.7 E2 2966, D-245.7 E3, D-245.7 E3 1049, D-245.7 E3 1062, D-245.7 E3 3010, D-245.7 E3 3020, D-245.7 E3 3022, D-245.7 E3 3164, D-245.7 E3 3186, D-245.7 E3 5018, D-245.7 E4, D-245.7 E4 4003, D-245.7 E4 4006, D-245.7 E4 4086, D-245.7 E4 4089, D-245.7 E5 D-245.9 D 245.9 336М, D-245.9 361В, D-245.9 362В, D-245.9 402М, D-402С 245.9 D 245.9 402Х, D-245.9 403Х, D-245.9 450, D-245.9 450M, D-245.9 568, D-245.9 693, D-245.9 1024, D-245.9 1972, D-245.9 2812, D-2982 245.9 D 245.9 E2, D-245.9 E2 257, D-245.9 E2 259, D-245.9 E2 396В, D-245.9 E2 397В, D-245.9 E2 1096, D-245.9 E2 1519, D-245.9 E2 1573, D-245.9 E2 1576, D-245.9 E2 2679, D-245.9 E2 2686, D-245.9 E2 2726, D-245.9 E2 2754, D-245.9 E2 2794, D-245.9 E2 2802, D-245.9 E2 2863, D-245.9 E2 2924, D-245.9 E2 2979, D-245.9 E3, D-245.9 E3 1128, D-245.9 E3 1129, D-245.9 E3 3034, D-245.12 WITH 231B, D-245.9 E3 3036, D-245.9 E3 3037, D-245.9 E4, D-245.9 E4 4024, D-245.9 E4 4025, D-245.9 E4 4044, D-245.9 E4 4045, D-245.12 S, D-245.12 WITH 230M, D-245.12 WITH 231К, D-245.12 WITH 231FT, D-245.12 WITH 231В, D-245.12 WITH 2744, D-245.12 WITH 231С, D-245.12 WITH 231Х, D-245.12 WITH 368М, D-245.12 WITH 1165, D-245.12 WITH 1334, D-245.12 FROM 1339, D-245.12 WITH 2664, D-245.12 WITH 2683, D-245.12 WITH 2719, D-245.12 WITH 2725, D-245.12 WITH 2775, D-245.16 WITH 1306, D-245.12 WITH 2950, D-245.12 WITH 2953, D-245.12 WITH 2954, D-245.12 WITH 2957, D-245.12 WITH 2983, D-245.12 WITH 2999, D-245.16 LS 994Р, D-245.16 C, D-245.16 WITH 993Р, D-245.16 WITH 1468, D-245.16 1959, D-245.16 WITH 2275, D-245.16 WITH 2286, D-245.16 WITH 2289, D-245.16 WITH 2532, D-245.16 WITH 2626, D-245.16 WITH 2707, D-245.16 WITH 2763, D-245 26ДЭ, D-245 26E, D-245 27, D-245 27Д, D-245 27ДМ, D-245 27M, D-245.30 E2, D-245.30 E2 800V, D-245.30 E2 801В, D-245.30 E2 1802, D-245.30 E2 1803, D-245.30 E2 1804, D-245.30 E2 2665, D-245.30 E2 2677, D-245.30 E2 2688, D-245.30 E2 2723, D-245.30 E2 2740, D-245.30 E2 2752, D-245.30 E2 2759, D-245.30 E2 2810, D-245.30 E2 2814, D-245.30 E2 2820, D-245.30 E2 2821, D-245.30 E2 2907, D-245.30 E2 5001, D-245.30 E2 2964, D-245.30 E2 2986, D-245.30 E2 2995, D-245.30 E3, D-245.30 E3 1141, D-245.30 E3 1442, D-245.30 E3 3159, D-245.30 E3 3184, D-245.30 E3 3185, D-245.30 E3 3167, D 245.35 D-245.35 868М, D-245.35 E3, D-245.35 E4, D-245.35 E4 4069, D-245.35.E5, D-245.36, D-245.39, D-245.42 S2, D-245.43 AM 1872Э, D-245.43 S2, D-245.43 S2 1538Э, D-245.43 S2 1715Э, D-245.43 S2 2355, D-245.43 S2 2529, D-245.43 S2 1713Э, D-245.43 Ѕ3А, D-245.43 Ѕ3АМ, D-245.43 Ѕ3АМ-1872Э, D-245.43 SAM-1873Э, D-245.43 Ѕ3АМ-2347, D-245.43 Ѕ3АМ-2348, D-245.43 Ѕ3АМ-2369, D 82Э 245, D-245 291, D-245 815, D-245 829, D-245 928, D-245 1016, D-245 1037, D-245 1168, D-245 1236Э, D-245 1237Э, D-245 2004Э, D-245 2010, D-245 2131, D-245 2245, D-245 2261, D-245 2288, D-245 2290, D-245 2293, D-245 2294, D-245 2316, D-245 2340, D-245 2407, D-245 2408, D-245 2425Э, D-245 2426, D-245 2427, D-245 2428Э, D-245 2429Э, D-245 2433, D-245С 1269Э, D-245С 1353, D-245С 2440Э, D-245 S2 2410, D-245.43 Ѕ3В, D-245.43 S4, D-245 160, D-245 162, D-245 174, D-245 174С, D-245 174У, D-245 928, D-245 1046, D-245 1155, D-245 1230, D-245 1241, D-245 1582, D-245 1903, D-245 2009, D-245 2132, D-245 2146, D-245 2243, D-245 2292, D-245 2432, D-245Л552, D-245С , D-245С 1045Э, D-245С 1365, D-245С 1842, D-245С 1953, D-245С 1953Э, D-245С 2040Э, D-245С 2124Э, D-245С 2527, D-245С 2710, D-245 S2, D-245 S2 1719Э, D-245 S2 1721Э, D-245.43 S2 1380Э, D-245.43 S2 1388, D-245.43 S2 1428Э, D-245 S2 2450Э, D-245 S2 2448Э, D-245 Ѕ3А, D-245 Ѕ3А 1852Э, D-245 Ѕ3А 1853Э, D-245 Ѕ3А 2518Э, D-245 Ѕ3АМ 1866Э, D-245 Ѕ3А, D-245 Ѕ3АМ, D-245 Ѕ3АМ 2351, D-245 Ѕ3В, D-245 S4, D-246.1, D-246.1 ' 82, D-246.1 83Д, D-246.1 83M, D-246.1 89M, D-246.1 135, D-246.1 211М, D-246.1 90M, D-246.1 91M, D-246.1 100D, D-246.1 100M, D-246.2, D-246.2 13, D-246.2 216, D-246.2 13M, D-246.2 99, D-246.2 138, D-246.3, D-246.3 153, D-246.4, D-246.4 87М, D-246.4 88Д, D-246.4 88, D-246.4 101M, D-246.4 106Д, D-246.4 106M, D-246.4 107M, D-246.4 111, D-246.4 129, D-129R 246.4, D-246.4 147, D-246.4 151, D-246.4 86M, D-246.4 151Б, D-246.4 156, D-246.4 158, D-246.4 180M, D-246.6, D-246.6 203, D-246.7, D-246.8, D-246.9, D-246.10, D-246.11, D-248С, D-249.1 E4, D-249 E, D-249 E4, D-249 E5 MMZ-4D, MMZ-4DT, MMZ-4DTG, MMZ-4DTG-1, MMZ-4DTI, MMZ-4DTI-1, MMZ-4DTI.M.


All Minskii motorny'i zavod products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Minskii motorny'i zavod: engines D-242, D-243, D-245, D-246, D-260 and their modifications, diesel generators, radiators, compressor stations
  • MMZ-3LD, 3LDT, 3LDG engines Minskii motorny'i zavod
    MMZ-3LD, 3LDT, 3LDG engines
    MMZ-3LD-20, MMZ-3LDT-00, etc.
  • D-243 engines Minskii motorny'i zavod
    D-243 engines
    94, 202, 1053, 20, 863, etc.
  • D-260 engines Minskii motorny'i zavod
    D-260 engines
    536, 658, 729, 57, 530, etc.
  • Engines D280S, D286 Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Engines D280S, D286
    D286.1, D286.2, etc.
  • D-242 engines Minskii motorny'i zavod
    D-242 engines
    426, 1291, etc.
  • Diesel generator sets Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Diesel generator sets
    with AVR, without AVR, open, etc.
  • Compressor stations Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Compressor stations
    PV10-1.0, PV 3.5-0.7, etc.
  • Engines D262, D263, D266 Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Engines D262, D263, D266
    D 263.1 E3, etc.
  • Special equipment Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Special equipment
    CPP-0.9, MABS-630307, etc.
  • D-245 engines Minskii motorny'i zavod
    D-245 engines
    16C-993P, 2S2-1922, etc.
  • D249 engines Minskii motorny'i zavod
    D249 engines
    D249 E4, D249 E5, etc.
  • Radiators Minskii motorny'i zavod
    100A-1301100, etc.
  • Water radiators Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Water radiators
    100A-1301100, etc.

About Minskii motorny'i zavod

MINSK MOTOR PLANT is the largest enterprise in Belarus, as well as the leading manufacturer of modern diesel engines among the CIS countries and ranks first in the number of tractor and combine engines produced.
  • production

    To perform the main types of activities, there are all types of existing industries: non-ferrous casting, pressing, welding, machining, painting, thermal, tool, assembly, etc.
  • warranty

    The warranty period of operation of MMZ engines is 12 months, but not more than 50 thousand km of vehicle mileage. The warranty period of operation is calculated from the date of commissioning of the diesel engine, but not later than six months from the date of its purchase.
  • tasks

    Expansion of the range of diesel engines produced with an increase in the power range. Production of eco-friendly, economical, safe and reliable products. Improving the technical level and competitiveness of manufactured products.

Information Board Minskii motorny'i zavod

Learn more about our products Minskii motorny'i zavod.
  • MMZ price list production Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Price list for MMZ engines
  • Price list for pumping stations, diesel and generator sets supplier Minskii motorny'i zavod
    Price list for pumping stations, diesel and generator sets
  • MMZ catalog марки Минский моторный завод
    MMZ catalog


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